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Lalah-Simone Springer

Hi, I'm Lalah-Simone Springer, a Multimedia Reporter at Campden Media.

Lalah-Simone Springer is a hard-working new City Journalism Graduate with a creative, observant eye for a story and a penchant for great grammar. Recently, Lalah-Simone Springer started working as multimedia reporter for Campden Media 

Lalah-Simone Springer's Background

Lalah-Simone Springer's Experience

Editorial Assistant intern at olive Magazine

July 2012 - August 2012

Created online magazines using CEROS and InDesign. Worked on the subediting desk subbing articles and checking the final pages. Wrote copy and researched articles.

Chief Sub, Art Director, Production Editor at City Inquirer

August 2011 - July 2012

I designed layouts using Adobe InDesign, checked the paper for spelling mistakes and legal issues, and made sure everything got out on time. The City Inquirer is City University London's independent newspaper. We like to focus on stories that are different, fresh and more interesting than how badly the uni' sports team lost last time...

Contributing Culture Writer and Sub Editor at MouthLondon Magazine

January 2011 - July 2012

Wrote articles when I was in Paris - particularly about food. Recently started contributing and sub editing the technology section.

Freelance Runner at BBC World Service

April 2012 - June 2012

Working with flagship technology programme Click on BBC World Service. At the bimonthly live shows I manage guests, do research, arrange chairs, think up ways to increase audience participation, and generally run around.

Interviewer at GetToTheFront Magazine

August 2011 - January 2012

Interviewed a variety of artists and wrote reviews.

Work Experience at BBC Radio Science Desk

2012 - 2012

Worked with Click, Health Matters and Science in Action. I read through scientific papers to find the most interesting information, did research, set up interviews and arranged international studios. I was given a co-production credit for Science in Action which can be found here:

Work Experience, 5 Live Breakfast at BBC Radio 5 Live

2011 - 2011

While there, I set up guests for the programme, researched stories, pitched at editorial meetings and used ENPS to put script into the running order.

Lalah-Simone Springer's Education

City University London

2009 – 2012

BA Journalism

Institut d'Etudes politiques de Paris / Sciences Po Paris

2011 – 2011

Term Abroad

Concentration: Journalism and Media Studies

Lalah-Simone Springer's Interests & Activities

Health, science, technology, new media, Women's Issues and a bit of poetry on the side.

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